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Reception and Nursery children follow the EYFS curriculum (Early Years Foundation Stage).
We attach great importance to the Foundation Stage and believe that the Early Years is a crucial time which is critical to children’s development.
Good Early Years education is essential to provide a firm basis for all future learning.
The Reception and Nursery classes form an Early Years unit where we provide a broad and balanced curriculum following the seven areas of learning:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding  the world.
  • Expressive arts and design.

We plan what we are going to teach using a balance between adult-led and child-initiated. The continuous provision is carefully planned and enhanced ensuring an enabling environment, meeting the needs of all children.


Each half term we introduce a new theme to provide inspiration for learning, whilst providing flexibility for children to follow their own interests. Children learn through a balance of adult-directed activities and child-initiated.
The timetable is carefully structured so that children have directed teaching during the day followed by small focused group work and independent time for continues provision providing lots of time for exploration. The curriculum is planned for both inside and outside with equal importance.


In the Early Years there is a great emphasis on speaking and listening as well as phonics. Children have daily Literacy sessions which are structured around the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme and in Nursery there is a huge focus on phase 1 Letters and Sounds which concentrates on developing children's speaking and listening skills, laying the foundations of phonics. Further literacy work is planned around exciting topic related texts which foster a love of reading, speaking and writing.


Early Years follow the White Rose Maths Scheme with a high focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Mathematical topics are taught in blocks to enable children to master their maths and deepen their understanding. We aim to foster a love of maths through games, songs, rhymes and play, using concrete manipulatives. Children in Reception are also taking part in the Mastering Number Programme from the NCETM which aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense in early mathematics. This is an extra 10-15 minutes of daily number practice

Wider Curriculum:

Our wider curriculum is taught through the other areas of learning. We plan exciting, purposeful and contextual activities to build on children's natural curiosity.


During the first six weeks of a child starting reception we carry out Baseline assessment to identify a child's starting point in all areas of learning.  This will enable us to identify individual needs and progress made throughout the year. We review teaching and learning to identify children's next steps. Practitioners draw on their knowledge of the child and professional judgement as well as physical examples of work, practical activities and discussions with parents.  Assessments are carried out at different points throughout the year and uploaded onto the schools scholar pack system identifying children against age related expectations in relation to 'Birth to Five matters'.  In the summer term the EYFSP is completed  for reception children judging against the 17 ELG's. Children will then be assessed as either 'Emerging' or 'Expected'.  Impact is also evident through a successful transition to year 1.