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At Brampton Primary School, our intent for SEND is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of needs or disabilities. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners.

Through our high-quality planning, teaching and provision we:

  • aim for all children with SEND to feel respected, included, confident and able to succeed in education
  • aim for all children with SEND to have the skills and knowledge to fully participate in their community and seek employment as an adult
  • ensure that needs are identified early with the appropriate support put in place
  • ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately adjusted to meet their needs
  • develop children’s independence and self-care skills
  • keep the child at the centre of all decisions and actions to meet their needs
  • form partnerships with parents and recognise the role this plays in enabling children to achieve their potential
  • provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of pupils
  • provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND
  • work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND


At Brampton Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. The SEN Code of Practice is at the centre of our approach to supporting children with SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school, enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly the child.

At Brampton Primary School, pupils with SEND will:

  • be included in all aspects of the school day
  • be provided with high quality teaching, adapted to meet their needs
  • be respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged

At Brampton Primary School we:

  • follow the graduated response using the assess, plan, do, review cycle
  • use SEND support plans to set clear targets through collaborating with external agencies
  • regularly monitor and assess the progress of children with SEND
  • ensure that teachers have the knowledge and understanding to support pupils with SEND

At Brampton Primary School, pupils with SEND may:

  • have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support them accessing different areas of the curriculum, in and out of the classroom
  • use aids to support their learning e.g. talking tin lids, laptops etc
  • receive additional support with their speech and language development from a teaching assistant and Speech and Language Therapist
  • have additional support from a Child and Family Support worker
  • work alongside external agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Family Action, LINK, Occupational Therapists and Specialist Advisory Teachers from the Local Authority


As a result of the provision above, children at Brampton Primary School:

  • feel happy, safe and respected
  • show confidence and resilience in the classroom
  • show high levels of engagement in all activities
  • make good progress from their starting points
  • develop independence and skills to support them throughout life

Below, please find our SEND Information Report and Policy as well as links to various sources of information and advice available in Cumbria. 

Should you require any further information or support, please contact the SENDCo Jenna Dalgleish at:

or phone the school office.

Believe Persevere Succeed

Cumbria Local Offer

The Local Offer aims to pull information about available services into one place and make it clear and accessible for you and your family. A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority thinks will be available in their local area. For further information please click here.

Support for parents and carers

Please see attached links to useful guidance and websites:


Family Action

SEND guide for parents/carers

Bee unique charity


SEND Complaints

We believe that Brampton Primary School continuously aspires to deliver fantastic education for all of our children regardless of any SEN or disability. We work very hard to build positive relationships with all involved in our school community.

However, school is obliged to have procedures in place in case there are complaints about the support provided for a child who has Special Educational Needs.

If you have a concern about the support your child is receiving in school we strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss this concern.

If you feel your concern has not been resolved please do make an appointment with Mrs Dalgleish (SENCO) or Mr Armstrong who will endeavour to support you.

If, after liaison with the school, you still feel dissatisfied with the support your child is receiving you may choose to make a formal complaint. If you would like to make a complaint we would refer you to our school Complaints Policy, which outlines the complaints process.

Policies & Plans 

The most up to date copies of our policies and plans can be found on the Policies section of our website.  Please click here to view the alphabetical list. 

Other useful links:

  • Pupil Health 5-19 Parent Zone Parent zone provides information and guidance to parents; including useful links and sign posting to other websites as well as some downloadable resources created by the Cumbria County Council team.