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School Day

Updated for September 2023

Please avoid waiting on Sawmill Lane for the school gates to open at 8:30am.  

8:30am School gates open. Children can be supervised on the playground. 

8:45am School starts.  Please see the member of staff on the doors or at the school office if you need to pass on any messages or send a note.  

8:50am School gates will close.  Please bring your child into school through the main entrance if you are late.  


12-12:55pm Lunchtime for all year groups.  


1pm Afternoon session. 

3:05pm School gates open for you to collect your child from the top yard.

3:10pm  Early Years children meet parents at the Early Years entrance. 

3:15pm Children in Years 1-6 will be escorted to the doors to meet parents on the yard.  

Children who are collected from school during the course of the day must be signed out in the yellow folder at Reception by the adult who is collecting them.  

Any changes to this timetabling as a result of visits or events will be explained in letters home and/or updated via the school text messaging service.