Year 1 – Mrs Shovlin and Mrs Sparke
Welcome to Year 1’s Class Page
Find information on this page about this term’s subject content and some important information.
We are up and running for a busy term! The children will be exploring lots of parts of the curriculum over the next few weeks, so keep reading if you would like more information. Remember if you have any questions, then please come in and see Mrs Shovlin and Mrs Sparke. Also, keep an eye out for announcements and information on our Class Dojo page.
The children in Year 1 will take part in a daily Read, Write Inc. phonics lesson where they will get to know the 44 digraphs needed to help them decode words and develop their reading fluency. After phonics, we will have a literacy lesson which will be text-focused. We use the Literacy Counts scheme for learning. This term we will be diving into Benji Davie's 'The Storm Whale' and then moving on to 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey. Weekly spellings will be linked to our school Spelling Shed scheme and these will be sent out to practice weekly as homework.
We use the White Rose Maths initiative at BPS which involves building fluency in all areas of the curriculum. For each year group, the scheme of learning includes an overview of the maths that your child should be learning at any point in the year. Each year is split into three terms (autumn, spring and summer), and each term comprises individual blocks of learning about a particular topic. In maths, we will start the term by looking at place value up to 20 before moving on to addition and subtraction to 20. We are also excited to continue our Mastering Number programme supported by the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics). The children started this in the EYFS and will take the next step this year. It will consist of daily activities that will allow children to develop a secure grasp of number ready for Year 2 and Key Stage 2.
Foundation subjects/Afternoon work
The children will be starting their CUSP journey as they transition into Year 1 and mainstream school. You can find information here at about our CUSP curriculum and what that will look like for your child moving forward into Year 1 and beyond. Our curriculum overview can be found at the bottom of this page.
During this term, the children will have PE on Friday. Children can keep their P.E. bag in school all half-term. We will send the kit home to be washed at the end of each half-term. We should remind everybody; P.E. kit includes their house colour plain T-shirts (not the polo shirt they are wearing all day), black shorts and either trainers or plimsolls. Black jogging bottoms are fine too, as the weather gets colder. No jewellery should be worn for safety reasons. Medical tape will be used to cover any piercings that cannot be taken out by the child independently.
Homework consists of reading every night for up to ten minutes. Please use the reading record to record when your child has read, and make comments. A maths task linked to the work for that week and a list of the spellings that are being learnt in class will also be sent home each Monday and be checked the following Monday.
Reading Information
Children will be reading Read Write Inc. books as their class/home reading book. This book will be sent home at a level that has been checked under an assessment by the class teacher. The children who make the most progress through their reading levels and who not only develop fluency and confidence but also build comprehension skills ready for the challenge of Year 2, are the children who read regularly at home. I cannot reiterate the importance of reading at home with your child. Thank you for your support with this.
Class Dojo:
Our Class Dojo is our main channel of communication. We will put day to day information on there, as well as some pictures of what the children have been up to in school. Please do not hesitate to message us via Dojo if you need anything. If it is urgent or you need a quick response, please contact school directly.
Mrs Shovlin and Mrs Sparke
Hello to all Year 1 parents, grandparents and all those who read with a child at home.
Over the past few weeks, the children have been getting to grips with a new way of reading in our shared/1:1 reading time. To match up with our current phonics scheme, our new reading scheme gives your child a bespoke levelled reading book which has been given to your child based on a 1:1 assessment with myself. They move through the colour they have been given and with practice and increasing phonic knowledge, they move on to further colours. I hope the children enjoy showing you our new reading books. It is recommended that all children read with an adult at home, at least three times a week. It is suggested that the children read the book a minimum of four times with an adult before moving on to a new text.
Reading with your child
The books have different sections that you work through to help build fluency and early comprehension. Children should now be thinking more carefully about what they have read in preparation for reading comprehension weekly activities in Year 2.
Glossary of terms
A list of Read, Write Inc. terms to help adults and children understand what the book is asking them to do.
Speed Sounds
Practise reading the speed sounds across the lines and in and out of order.
Green Words
Words are made up of the graphemes (sounds) listed in the speed sounds and that come up in the story.
Red words
Common words with graphemes are not listed in the speed sound box.
Vocabulary check
After reading the introduction and discussing this with your child, discuss the vocabulary to clarify any misunderstandings in meanings.
Read the story
Read the story on more than one occasion with your child over several days. This will help to build comprehension of the story. It will also help your child gain confidence as they become fluent and familiar with the text.
Questions to talk about
Answer the questions to ‘read and answer’.
Speed words
Practise reading the speed words in and out of order.