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Design and Technology


At Brampton Primary School we aim to ensure that all of our pupils have access to an design and technology curriculum which will enable them to gain a range of knowledge, skills and understanding of designing and making functional products.   We feel it is vital to nurture creativity and innovation through design, and by exploring the designed and made world in which we all live and work.  Our D&T curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in four strands, and each strand explores structures, mechanical systems, cooking and nutrition, textiles, electrical systems (KS2 only) and the digital world (KS2 only): The four strands of learning are:


This includes generating ideas and designing a range of products.


This includes using a range of tools and materials and developing fine motor skills.


This includes discussing and recording what went well, and recognising how processes and products could be improved.

Technical knowledge:

This includes developing a range of different skills in order to design and make a range of products.

These four strands are revisited throughout the year through a range of learning units.  Cross curricular links are made wherever possible, to enable the skills to become embedded, and to enrich the pupils’ learning.


Discreet D&T lessons aim to ensure that pupils have the time and resources to develop their skills in all four strands. As well as classroom learning, this may involve learning outside, across our fabulous school grounds, and in the community. Engagement with the community is an integral part of what we do at Brampton Primary School, as shown in some of the example photographs below. D&T lessons cover the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2, and the EYFS curriculum.  Details of progression across the year groups can be seen in the document below.


The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave Brampton Primary School, they are competent and confident in using DT, with a range of knowledge and skills. They will be able to develop their own ideas and be competent with a range of making techniques.  They will be equipped to apply their skills in DT to different challenges going forward at home, at school and in the wider community.

Below is a selection of some of the outcomes from our DT work in school.